Thank You for Sharing Your Experience with SegMetrics!

We appreciate your willingness to share your experience with SegMetrics. You’re helping us understand how SegMetrics has positively impacted your business.

Please take a moment to fill out the form below with your answers to the questions. Feel free to type as much (or as little) as you’d like.

Once we receive your answers, we’ll edit them together into a testimonial (and for flow/clarity) and share the resulting testimonial with you for your review and approval.

Thank you!

— Keith Perhac and the SegMetrics team

  • About your experience with SegMetrics

  • About you

    Your answers to these questions will let us attribute your testimonial to you and your company.
  • We'll use this to get your photo and use it in your testimonial. Alternatively, feel free to include a link here to your preferred photo for this testimonial.
  • So we can get in touch with you to review and approve your testimonial.