
Get more leads and more customers — with the tactics you’re already using

Ready to boost the ROI on your lead magnets?

We distilled over 20 years of experience from CRO experts into this free guide that rips out the fluff and shows you how to quickly and effectively optimize your lead magnets for conversions.

Read our guide to dive into the steps you need to know to get more value from every lead.

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Get Your Free Copy

Discover how to permanently boost the results from your lead magnets, from opt-ins to lifetime sales.

In this guide, we distill over 20 years of CRO experience into an actionable, step-by-step guide to optimize any lead magnet.

In this free guide, we'll show you

  • How to identify gaps in your lead magnet flow and data
  • Benchmarks for successful lead magnets
  • The optimization checklist we use to help companies optimize their lead magnets
  • Advanced optimization tips for sophisticated marketers

SegMetrics deciphers the data so you don’t have to.

SegMetrics is the leading analytics tool for digital marketers. We built SegMetrics to be simple to set up, easy to read, and incredibly accurate and insightful. Your success shouldn’t depend on wrangling confusing or conflicting data. We’ll give you a trustworthy single source of truth for all of your marketing. And you can get back to making clear-headed decisions and growing your business.

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We added SegMetrics to see if it could find answers to questions a client’s had for over a year and that couldn’t be put off any longer. It could, and did so within about 30 seconds.

— Michelle Warner — Strategy Consultant

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Unlock SegMetrics, the only analytics tool built for creator businesses.
Optimize every campaign and touch point in your funnel to maximize revenue.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are

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