Break down your traffic and conversion by different attribution models, see how your campaigns perform and get the ROI data you need to optimize your top-of-funnel marketing.
Segmetrics Essential Reporting gives you insight into your funnels and critical marketing numbers with six out-of-the-box reports just waiting for your marketing data.
Connect your integrations, import your data, and view your prebuilt reports. It’s that easy to get actionable insight.
“SegMetrics gives you X-Ray vision to reveal what your customers are doing, how your marketing funnel is working… and how to make it work better.”
— Eben Pagan — Founder, Eben Pagan Training
Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.
No one understands marketing and analytics like Keith and the SegMetrics team; it makes total sense that they created SegMetrics.
We had answers to lifetime value questions within seconds that we’ve wanted to know from Infusionsoft for YEARS. And now we finally can.