Customer Lifetime Value

Measure the
Lifetime Value of
Every Customer

Go beyond single sales to the real goal: building loyal customers. That’s why SegMetrics tracks LTV over months or years.

Go Beyond One-Time Sales

RoAS based on LTV

Optimize your ad spend based on actual lifetime value

Optimize for retention

Measure how changes affect LTV further down the funnel

Real revenue reports

Measure collected revenue, with data on refunds and cancellations

Full customer histories

Transparent data lets you see the full marketing journey and purchase history

Go Beyond One-Time Sales

Trusted by 3,000+ Digital Marketers

Track the full customer history

 Each customer’s full journey is recorded in SegMetrics, so you can analyze the lifetime value associated with any traffic source or step in your marketing funnel.

“No one understands marketing and analytics like Keith and the SegMetrics team; it makes total sense that they created SegMetrics.

We had answers to lifetime value questions within seconds that we’ve wanted to know from Infusionsoft for YEARS. And now we finally can.”

 — Michael Danner — Director of Marketing Technology at Axe Wellness


Report on true collected revenue

Customer LTV is calculated with the actual processed payments, not website events. Payment integrations means the numbers match your bank account, factoring in cancellations or refunds.


Optimize for loyalty, not just single purchases

With data on subscription retention and repeat purchase rates, you can start focusing on customer loyalty. Optimize your funnel for retention and uncover sources of great customers.

How does it work?

Information from your ad platforms, websites and payment system are all tied back to a customer’s entry in your CRM or email platform. That means data that matches your bank account and stays consistent over the long term.

Better Together...

You’ll love how easy it is to get the data you want

SegMetrics gives you powerful Lifetime Value Tracking, combining all your data for accurate, reliable reporting — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Explore our many features to help you uncover hidden profits. 

Funnel Optimization

Test how changes to any touchpoint affects the LTV. Because attribution isn’t only for ad clicks.

Offline Conversions

Feed conversion data to the Ad AIs, no matter if the conversions took place online, offline, or in-person.

Report Segmentation

Know where your best leads are coming from, what funnels make them convert, and where to focus your marketing.


Understand how LTV grows over time

 Want to see the delay between ad click and ROI? The sales velocity report will show you how the customer spending of different groups grows over time.


See individual lifetime spend data

There’s no black box numbers in SegMetrics. For any metric you can click into the relevant customer data to see who they are and their full customer history.

Get Started in Less than 5 Minutes

Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are