Your results

Your Facebook Campaigns May Not Be As Successful As You Think

Thank you for taking our Facebook Attribution Assessment. Keep reading to find out the result for each area:

#1 Attribution fail: Can’t tell if ad clicks turned into revenue

Facebook teaches you that measuring how many people reach the next funnel step is sufficient.

You indicated that most of your customers buy after going through your nurture sequence, so you are probably measuring your campaign success based on how many visitors turned into leads.

That’s about as useful as optimizing for click through rate. Just like a higher CTR doesn’t mean a higher RoAS, a higher lead conversion rate doesn’t mean more revenue!

The Truth

Facebook only wants you to feel like your ad spend is worth it. It doesn’t matter to them if none of the leads you get turn into sales.

SegMetrics users are surprised to see the variation in lead value across their campaigns. There can easily be a 2-3x variation in the least to sale conversion rate between campaigns. Ads that bring in lots of leads can secretly be a huge waste of money, as it turns out those leads were all a bunch of freebie-chasers who don’t spend a cent.

So, be careful. Facebook can tell you the quantity of leads it attracted, but not the quality.

Most SMEs report that over half of their annual revenue comes from repeat customers


Try SegMetrics for accurate, transparent data with unlimited attribution windows

Track leads through all your nurture sequences, even months later

See how different traffic sources interact with your emails
Measure success in terms of lifetime value, not a single conversion
Compare the performance of upsells and follow up purchases
See all your revenue, refunds and payment cancellations
Join touchpoint data from your ads, emails and payments
Get Accurate Customer Lifetime Value

Discover the lifetime revenue of leads from every source

SegMetrics can tie every customer’s purchase history back to the ad they clicked on.

That means you can see the total revenue from your ad spend, not just whether they submitted their email address.

You will finally be able to optimize your ads in terms of revenue, even details like attracting people who buy the upsell or maintain their subscription.

michelle warner

We added SegMetrics to see if it could find answers to questions a client’s had for over a year and that couldn’t be put off any longer. It could, and did so within about 30 seconds.

— Michelle Warner — Strategy Consultant


Where “80 conversions”
means 80 names

When SegMetrics says you had 80 conversions, you can see 80 actual customers. You can then click into any entry to see their customer history, complete with every touchpoint and purchase.

By building the date around people, not website sessions, it becomes impossible to double count a sale.

Get Started in Less than 5 Minutes

Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.

Its easy to bet on the winners when you know who they are