Break down your traffic and conversion by different attribution models, see how your campaigns perform and get the ROI data you need to optimize your top-of-funnel marketing.
Segmetrics Essential Reporting gives you insight into your funnels and critical marketing numbers with six out-of-the-box reports just waiting for your marketing data.
Connect your integrations, import your data, and view your prebuilt reports. It’s that easy to get actionable insight.
“SegMetrics gives you X-Ray vision to reveal what your customers are doing, how your marketing funnel is working… and how to make it work better.”
— Eben Pagan — Founder, Eben Pagan Training
Find your most profitable lead sources, scale what works and kill what doesn’t.
“You can just see everything that you want to see without having to dig into the details or look up any numbers on a daily basis. You just automatically have them ping on your dashboard. It’s nice to have the big picture and then be able to get directly into a more detailed view when you need it.”
Read the Case Study