People talk a lot about the value of customer testimonials and product case studies. But they don’t often talk about WHERE you should put them. It’s not enough to stick a testimonial on your website and call it a day — everybody does that! Testimonials and case studies are powerful tools to overcome customers’ objections. You can use them literally anywhere you’re trying to convince your customers to take action. Here are a few suggestions to help you think outside the box. 1. The classic option — put them on your homepage: 2. And your sales page: 3. Put them in your sales email copy: 4. Put them on your checkout page to squelch last minute objections: 5. Put video testimonials into paid Facebook ads: 6. Or, use quotes and images in a Facebook ad: 7. Use case studies as content in your email newsletter: 8. Put them into ads in the sidebar of your blog or website: 9. Rent a giant billboard! Why not? 10. You can even put quotes into your email signature: There are so many creative ways to use your testimonial and case study content. Some more you might want to try: 11. Put short blurbs in the sidebar of your blog or on your podcast website. 12. Use case studies as part of your course content to reinforce what your students are going through and to make them feel positive about their own success. 13. Put student quotes onto your printed materials, like brochures, one-sheets, etc. 14. Put 3-4 case studies and 10-12 testimonials on a dedicated “social proof” page on your website. 15. Use case studies as carrot content! Package your best case studies into a PDF, almost like a white paper, that people can opt in to read. 16. Reference your students’ successes in your blog articles or email newsletter. For example: “One of my most successful students, Jessica, had these kind of results by doing this…” It doesn’t even have to be a direct quote — find a creative way to weave their experience into your own story. 17. Testimonials are a key part of a solid cross-sell or upsell page. When a student is considering whether to buy another product from you, it helps to show another student’s success with the initial product, and how their success increased by using the next product. 18. Don’t forget to use quotes when you’re launching a new product! This is a perfect opportunity to use testimonials that talk about YOU — how great you are and how much your students love to work with you. 19. Add a quote to your promotional products or swag, like mugs, t-shirts, keychains or bumper stickers. Have fun with it. Basically, anywhere someone will see your name or your product — you should have a quote from a satisfied student. The options are limitless. And your potential customers will be far more likely to buy if they can see your success stories. (Don’t have any testimonials or case studies yet? Click here to get started.) Share on Twitter Facebook Pinterest Email