Ad platform automations are great…so long as they’re receiving good data. Facebook and Google can currently measure basic goals in a short time frame. But with privacy protection measures like GDPR and Apple’s iOS changes, even that is getting harder. So without event-based conversion tracking, how are you meant to optimize your campaigns? Well, SegMetric’s conversion tracking gives you a robust way to report sales back to the ad platforms, while respecting the privacy of your visitors. Even better, you can attribute purchases that happen day, weeks or months later. This means that with a few clicks you can give the AIs the information they need to keep your ads profitable. Introducing Conversion Feeder The Conversion Feeder reports back on conversions that the Facebook & Google pixels aren’t able to detect. It can attribute immediate sales as well as more complex situations such as: Payment transactions that happen on a separate site Deals that are closed via sales calls and paid directly Trial completion payments that are taken automatically Purchases made beyond Facebook’s 7-day attribution window With changes such as iOS 14, it is now also ideal for feeding the AIs with conversion data they would otherwise be blocked from seeing. How does Conversion Feeder work? Conversion Feeder builds on a feature built into both ad platforms called the Offline Conversions. You can manually upload offline conversion data using CSVs, or you can let SegMetrics process it automatically and improve the results. SegMetrics integrates with your ad platforms, email system and payment process, then joins up the data for each customer. It doesn’t matter if there was an email funnel or demo call between the ad click and the sale, SegMetrics will connect the two together. It is this sales data that SegMetrics feeds back to the ad platform. That way your attributions don’t rely on fragile cookies or website events, while Facebook doesn’t get to spy on every visitor. For more information on how it works check out our documentation:Facebook Conversion FeederGoogle Conversion Feeder What about iOS 14 and Apple’s ATT? Conversion Feeder is fully compliant with the various privacy protection measures introduced in iOS 14 and iOS 14.5. SegMetrics save the ad ID for each contact entry, such as when someone makes a purchase or downloads a lead magnet. We then use this ad ID to feed attribution data to the ad platforms. There is no cross-app tracking or reporting on bounced visitors. Add to that the 1st class cookies and server-side tracking and you’ve got a completely Apple-proof attribution system. Even better, Conversion Feeder will send back attribution data on actual sales, even if there was a long funnel before they converted. Optimizing for actual sales means that advertisers decrease their CPA by an average of 24%. Start Optimizing Your Ads Today! Get started with two easy steps: From your Integrations Page, click the Settings button, and choose Setup Ad Tracking Follow the instructions above, choose your conversion pixel, and then click Save That’s it! Your conversion data will be fed daily to Google and Facebook, improving your ad attribution and targeting automatically! Share on Twitter Facebook Pinterest Email