Are you getting lost in a market flooded with free ebooks? Or frustrated at having to give out blanket advice? Well, it’s time to take inspiration from old-school magazines.
Making leads feel like individuals
How would you feel if you walked into a doctor’s office, told them a single symptom like stomach pain…and then they monologued at you about potential treatments for twenty minutes.? You would probably feel a lack of empathy – like the doctor wasn’t fussed about understanding your exact situation.
Contrast that to being asked a whole series of questions. Maybe they even correctly predict details like “let me guess, does it typically hurt around 1hr after eating?”. You get a confidence boost that they get what you’re going through and will give relevant advice.
It sounds ridiculous, lead magnets go with the first approach.
They draw people in based on a single pain point, then give some general advice about how to fix the issue. At best, they have a few sections acknowledging different ways it might play out.
From Buzzfeed to Big Bucks
Personality quizzes have been around for almost 100 years, when Meet Yourself, a 336-page home-psychoanalysis test was published in 1936.
They became a common feature in magazines like Seventeen, Esquire and Men’s Health. Covers often posed questions such as “Which Backstreet boy is your perfect match?” or “What fad diet is right for your body type?” to entice shoppers into buying.
Then of course came the internet.
Quizzes became a core tactic in the world of clickbait. Whether it’s assigning people to Harry Potter houses, guessing where your accent is from, or testing your music knowledge, they regularly get millions of users and go viral.
Businesses started catching on as tools or plugins made building quizzes more accessible.
Companies such as LeadQuizzes or Typeform let businesses add fully customized quizzes to their website in a matter of minutes. They can be on a vast range of topics such as
- Is your business idea profitable?
- What is your sleep hygiene score?
- Which coffee blend is perfect for you?
- Discover the foods aggravating your IBS
They can be extremely effective. According to LeadQuizzes they have an average lead capture rate of 33%. Quizzes and calculators are ideal for catching the interest of people who want more detail about a certain topic, so it’s no wonder that quizzes for Facebook ads are a popular strategy!
Diagnosing the mystery rash
That brings us to the first key question when setting up a funnel; what topic should you choose?
Obviously, it should be related to your business. Don’t go creating a quiz about Marvel heroes if you’re trying to attract potential leads for a course on SEO. Quizzes typically come in two general flavors:
Personality quiz – these are feel-good “which X are you?” tests that make people feel seen. They have a higher chance of going viral, but the leads won’t be as warm
Diagnostic quiz – these run through symptoms or experiences to find what’s causing issues. Showing people you understand their issue is great for attracting strong leads.
Diagnostic quizzes are more directly related to lead gen, so we will focus on them for this article.
To come up with your quiz idea, think about those nagging pain points that prospects struggle to solve. They should be the mystery rash they keep scratching but without any source of relief, that the usual creams can’t heal.
A bigger pain point will hit harder, so go for the issue keeping them awake at night if possible,
You don’t have to get too left field with your ideas. If you have a set of default fact-finding questions you ask new customers, these can form the basis of your quiz.
Keep the quiz simple
It is easy to get caught up in the details when building a quiz. You might want the results to be as bespoke to each person as possible.
But the truth is, a few buckets will usually do.
Think of 3-5 groups you can separate customers into. It might differ on the issues they are experiencing, suggested ways to solve them, or level of pain awareness.
You can then work backward from there, coming up with the questions needed to separate people into these groups.
Once you have those planned out, build out the quiz in your chosen tool. You will be able to set up definitions such as “if answered c to q3, then show results page X”.
We would recommend making your quiz 6-10 questions long. Too short and it can feel uncaring, while too long can cause people to drop out.
These questions don’t even have to help you define which result people are shown. They can be just for fun, or even to help you find out more about your potential customers such as asking about demographics.
Measuring quiz performance
You will want to optimize your quiz funnel to bring in the most possible sales. That’s why you will want a set of metrics such as
- Number of visitors to the quiz page
- Quiz completion rate
- Conversion rate from quiz to purchase
You want to find a quiz that is both appealing in itself and as a source of good potential customers.
That sounds easy, but it is easy to get distracted by your metrics.
If you use a tool such as Google Analytics, it will be easy to look at the immediate stats such as how many people complete the quiz and turn into a lead. Running a tripwire quiz, where the results page is a sales pitch gives you some easy data about the related revenue.
But, what if you want to nurture these leads?
Back in my agency days, I had a client who offered a fitness course. So, we sold a recipe book for fitness folk. It was very popular, and we figured these leads would eventually buy after going through our email sequence. But, we were wrong. It turns out the people who enjoy cooking healthy food aren’t necessarily the people who enjoy working out. The quiz was tangential but wasn’t connected.
Ideally, we would recommend testing three or more variations of your quiz. It might be as simple as a tweak to the title or as big as a full overhaul.
Just like with lead magnets, not all quizzes are created equal. At SegMetrics we typically find a 3-10x variation in the lead-to-sale conversion rate for different lead magnets.
How to get the numbers
Even if you are immediately pitching your product after the quiz, it is important to measure long-term performance.
People might not always be ready to buy and need some more nurturing.
Frank Kern is a big advocate of looking at the long-term picture. In his Hardcore Scaling YouTube series, he shows an example of a campaign that looks like it’s wasting his money.
Very few people are buying within 7 days of clicking the ad. Yet when he expands that to 4 weeks, the RoAS jumps up to 200%. The campaign was bringing in good leads, it’s just that they needed educating for a few weeks.
Step 1: Tag people with the quiz and results
Your email platform should support contact tags.
You can use this feature to add relevant information to people who join your list through a quiz. Tag people with both the name of the quiz and a segment based on the results.
We can’t give instructions for every platform, but as two examples…
Infusionsoft – Drag a web page automation goal onto a campaign canvas and double click to configure it. You can then add the URLs for your different result pages, along with adding a code snippet.
ActiveCampaign – Click through automations > start from scratch > web page to define the result pages, then use action options to define what tag should be assigned.
Integrated tools – Some quiz builders such as LeadQuizzes can natively connect to a range of CRMs including both Infusionsoft and ActiveCampaign, letting you map quiz results directly to different tags.
Step 2: Find the LTV from each quiz
The next step is to find the sales associated with each quiz over a meaningful timeframe. There are three main methods for this, depending on your setup.
Option A) Export and manipulate data from your email platform
If your email platform already imports revenue data then it’s a matter of viewing the revenue per tag. To do this you will need to:
- Export the list of subscribers, then tidy it up so it is just the name, quiz tags and revenue.
- Create a pivot table between the quiz tag, and the number of core purchases and revenue that were generated by those contacts.
Option B) Export and merge the lists from your email and payment platforms
The aim is to match up the email addresses of people on your subscriber list with customers in your payment processor. That way you can see the revenue associated with each quiz. To do this you will need to:
- Export the list of subscribers, then tidy it up so it is just email addresses and quiz tags.
- Export the list of customers from your payment processor and again tidy it up into only email address and revenue.
- Use a VLookup to attach the sale to their subscriber entry
- To see how much revenue is associated with each tag
Option 2c) Do it in a few clicks with SegMetrics
There are funnel analytics tools designed to look at long term customer data.
SegMetrics will directly collect information from multiple sources, such as your subscriber data and payment processor to let you analyze lifetime revenue.
You can even connect SegMetrics to your ad platforms. That will let you see the lifetime RoAS for each campaign based on the revenue associated with each quiz campaign.
Want help optimizing your quiz campaign?
If you want more detail about how to optimize your quiz funnels, then go ahead and register for our FREE Teachable Course that includes webinars with Chanti Zak and Jason Resnick that will help you connect with your audience in ways you didn’t think were possible.
We will be going through all the necessary steps to track LTV from quizzes and to optimize them for long-term performance.