Data Beats Opinion

by SegMetrics

Thoughts & Interviews with experts who improve their business with data.
Learn how to improve your marketing and revenue with straight-forward strategies you can do today.


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Which Type of Email User Are You?

How many emails do you get in a day? Dozens? Hundreds? Thousands? Marketers sent over 838 billion emails in 2013…and…

Customer Service Strategies from the World’s Best (and Worst) Companies

At SegMetrics, we know all about giving customers first-class service. It’s what we do every day — making sure your…

How Email Segmentation Could Boost Your Retention

Every business wants to ensure they have good retention rates, how can segmenting your list help?

4 Tips To Boost Your Email List Quality

Quality will trump quantity when it comes to email lists. How can you boost the quality of your list?

How To Create A Welcome Email Series That Works

Are you effectively harnessing the welcome email? Here’s what you need in order to be effective.

Getting Noticed In The Age Of Content Fatigue

Is there a point to putting out more content in a crowded environment? We delve into some stats and case studies...

How to Use Tags to Understand Your Marketing Funnels

Using tags but with no real system? Get more from Infusionsoft with these tips...

Success Stories
How SegMetrics can earn John Lee Dumas an extra $221,075

John Lee Dumas sold an impressive $2,137,739 in online courses in 2015. But did Infusionsoft's lacking analytics cause EOFire to…

4 Critical Metrics Hiding in Your Infusionsoft Account (and How To Uncover Them)

Over 40,000 users have signed up for Infusionsoft, and it's understandable why. Infusionsoft provides businesses with a stellar way to…

How to Track Email Opens in Infusionsoft’s Campaign Builder

While Infusionsoft gives great reporting on broadcast emails, and individual emails sent out, it can be difficult to get open…

Stop Mining Data (And Let Customers Tell You What They Want)

If you don't ask, you'll never know. It's true in many situations – including your marketing. How can you personalize…

5 Ways to Get More Value Out of Your Launch Without Changing Your Plan

The end of the year brings challenges only info-marketers can understand. Whether you're launching your own product, working for another…