Data Beats Opinion

by SegMetrics

Thoughts & Interviews with experts who improve their business with data.
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Tiered Pricing
Why Tiered Pricing Is the ONLY Way to Price Your Product

Tiered pricing is one of those no-brainer concepts that some entrepreneurs and companies are hesitant to embrace. Don’t make that…

The psychology behind why people don’t value PDFs, no matter how great the content

Imagine you’re on stage of The Value Is Right. The lights are bright, applause is thundering, and yet you clearly…

Black Friday Aftermath: Analyzing $2.3 Million over Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2018

Black Friday and Cyber Monday are ostensibly the two largest shopping days of the year -- especially for ecommerce. This…

Everyone Loves Evergreen Webinars. But do they Really Convert to Sales?

Evergreen Webinars are de rigueur for product marketing -- especially to cold traffic. There are a number of online tools…

Using the Stair-Step Model for Landing Pages that Work

You’ve heard the stats. All the way back in 1997 Nielsen showed that people don’t read online - they scan.…

Tackling Price Objections: What to do if you’re hearing your prices are too high

Let me tell you a story. A friend of mine launched a travel guide, priced at $47. He guaranteed that…

How to Convert Leads That Don’t Buy: The 90-Day Funnel Strategy

There are two outcomes to any marketing funnel. Either the lead purchased the product you had for sale… or they…

How Upsell Funnels Are Like Printing Free Money

As a marketer, you have a bucket list of tactics to try -- things that you’ll get to one day.…

The One Thing (Probably) Holding Your Marketing Funnels Back

So. You want more leads. You’ve spent a few months writing blog posts to boost your organic traffic and have…

[Update] Now Supporting Bing, Contact Journeys & Improved Cross-Domain Analytics

My uncle Ben always told me: "With great power comes great responsibility." Or maybe that was someone else. Oh well.…

Success Stories
Finding $221,075 in New Revenue For Entrepreneur on Fire

SUMMARY The Client John Lee Dumas of EOFire sold over $2,137,739 in online courses this year. He’s a great example…

Success Stories
How SegMetrics Fed Dr. Axe Insights for A Healthier Product Development Roadmap

SUMMARY The Client Axe Wellness ( is one of the most successful health blogs around. They offer a ton of…

How to Build an Advertising Sales Funnel: The $200K Case Study

If you’re a longtime reader, you know the power of a good email nurture sequence and you even know how…

Why You Shouldn’t Use URL Shorteners in Ads

URL shorteners like were hailed as the greatest thing to happen to social media and PPC since Bing Crosby…

The Lead Gen Tool You Can Learn from Seventeen Magazine

Picture this… You launch a new marketing tool that your prospects are so excited about that it gets shared with…