Data Beats Opinion

by SegMetrics

Thoughts & Interviews with experts who improve their business with data.
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identifying wasted ad budget
How an online course entrepreneur found her funnel’s flaws with SegMetrics

Sam has an online music course that she has been running for 4 years. The market has become increasingly crowded,…

The iOS14 Update – What it means for digital marketers

As if 2020 wasn’t crazy enough, last June Apple announced that iOS14 would include a new App Tracking Transparency framework…

Multi-touch Attribution Models with Dan McGaw

Recently Keith chatted with Dan McGaw, the founder and CEO of, formerly known as Effin Amazing, a marketing technology…

9 Must-Have CRO Tools To Use And Track Results in 2020

Every marketer knows how important it is to constantly improve a website and track the results of your work. If…

The comprehensive guide to planning out and optimizing your marketing funnels

Weak marketing funnels can drag down a business.  So of course, there are countless articles about elements such as improving…

A fairly awesome guide to finding your 80/20 customers

Marketers have become rather obsessed with goals and conversions. (And with good reason!) We take them as the benchmark of…

Creating More Efficient SOPs with Say Gabriel

We’re back with another episode of DBO with Keith Perhac. This week, Keith chats with Anansi’s Say Gabriel. Say’s main…

Building Marketing Funnels that Convert – in 90 Minutes

We know every business owner wants to know the secret to getting conversions out of your marketing funnels. But not…

Modifying the Typical Sales Funnel with Claire Suellentrop

Claire Suellentrop is an up-and-comer in the marketing world. She dabbled in journalism and entertainment marketing before she began helping…

Descriptive Content & Authentic Marketing with Matt Giovanisci

Matt Giovanisci is a jack of all trades with a broad knowledge of all aspects of marketing. He founded Swim…

Data driven lead generation & sales funnels with Brent Weaver

Brent Weaver built his first website at 15, and created his first web-design business at 17. That company grew into…

Warm audiences, fresh content & current data: the recipe for successful Facebook ads with Ryan Stewart

Ryan Stewart started his career working for large consulting companies with clients like Target, Best Buy and Bayer, before branching…

Reducing Churn & Increasing Customer Happiness with Val Geisler

Val Geisler helps SaaS and subscription-based e-Commerce brands use email to strategically convert leads, retain customers long term, and close…

Building Talented and Engaged Remote Teams with Jevin Maltais

Jevin Maltais is a software engineer who has hired and managed over 50 remote people over the past decade. He…

The Importance of Personalization in Online Marketing with Jason Resnick

Jason Resnick helps freelancers get more leads, find better clients and build recurring revenue. Jason started working in eCommerce back…